Dietitians at Total Health West Berkshire

Dietitians at Total Health West Berkshire

We are all becoming increasingly aware that what we eat can play a huge role in how well our bodies function. Often we don’t start to think about our diet and nutrition until we see a photo of ourselves we don’t like or find the results of a blood test suggest that our diet needs to be improved. Once you are aware of the need to change your diet whether that is for more energy, weight loss or to be the healthiest you can be then you know that it is time to make a change.

Choosing the right food and nutrition plan for you can be difficult. There are so many diets and so many people giving advice that it can feel overwhelming and as though you need to wade through a sea of information to find the right plan for you.

At Total Health West Berkshire we have experienced dietitians to help you not only find the nutrition plan for you but a way to have a healthier lifestyle and relationship with food.

This approach means that you will have an expert providing you with a personalised plan that is tailored to your individual needs and lifestyle.

Not only that but we have access to blood and gut biome testing so we can take a deep dive into how your body is working to help you have the health and lifestyle you want.

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Our dietitians can offer appointments to help with:

  • Improving Gut Health
  • Menopause, PCOS and Other Women’s Health Issues
  • Pre Diabetes
  • Heart Health
  • Weight Loss and emotional eating support
  • Children’s dietitian and picky eaters

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Dietitians are the only nutrition professionals to be statutory regulated which means we’re governed by an ethical code to ensure we always work to the highest standard.

All dietitian appointments take place online through our secure appointment system

Gut health tests (if required) can be posted to you.

Blood test (if required) take place at Total Health West Berkshire, Thatcham, RG18 3AP


Our Dieticans


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