Runners Assessment

Injury prevention for new and regular runners

Running is a hugely popular and beneficial form of exercise.

It is easy to access and almost anyone can take part in it.

As a way of keeping healthy and staying fit it is helpful for your body in building stronger muscles, strengthening your bones and improving your cardiovascular health.

Not only that but it can really help you to control your stress levels and look after your mental health.

But what happens when an injury gets in the way of your running?

A mild injury may only slow your running or reduce the distance or how often you run.

A more serious injury may stop your running although which can have an impact on your physical and mental health.

At Total Health West Berkshire we want to help you run, as much as you want, injury free.

To help you do that we have two runners assessments to help reduce the likelihood of injury and keep you running longer.

What Are The Runners Assessments?

We have two runner assessments.

One for those new to running and one for regular and serious runners.

What is included in the Runners Assessments?

A runner’s assessment is 2 hours long.

It includes an assessment with our Sports Therapist Elly to assess where you are most likely to suffer with injuries and a gaitscan to see if your feet could be a potential cause of injuries when running for you.

At the end of the appointment you will know:

Where you may be likely to experience injuries

Whether your gait is likely to cause you injuries and whether you would benefit from orthotics

The exercises and stretches you should do pre and post running and on the off days to help improve your strength and mobility to help reduce your likelihood of of running injuries

Which running assessment should I book?

If you are new to running then the New Runners Assessment is the best option for you. Elly can help guide you through the stretches and strengthening exercises that are best for you and help you plan your running training schedule.

If you are an experienced, regular or elite runner then book our Regular Runners Assessment. In this assessment Elly will discuss any injuries you may have and give advice on changes to your current running schedule and create a personalised programme of stretches and exercises to help progress your running.

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New Runners Assessment - £120

Our health screens are two stage appointments. The first is a 45 minute appointment in which you will have your ECG, blood test, vital signs taken, BMI calculated. The second is a 30 minute appointment with our GP to discuss your results.

  • Urea & Electrolytes
  • Liver Function tests
  • Bone Profile
  • Muscles Enzyme
  • Cholesterol Profile
  • Iron Study
  • HBA1C
  • FBC + 5 part differential
  • Thyroid function Ft4, TSH
  • Ferritin
  • hsCRP
  • Vitd, Vit B12, Folate
  • Testosterone

This appointment is for men aged over 18 who want to have a comprehensive screening of their health.

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Regular Runners Assessment - £120

Our health screens are two stage appointments. The first is a 45 minute appointment in which you will have your ECG, blood test, vital signs taken, BMI calculated. The second is a 30 minute appointment with our GP to discuss your results.

  • Urea & Electrolytes
  • Liver Function tests
  • Bone Profile
  • Muscles Enzyme
  • Cholesterol Profile
  • Iron Study
  • HBA1C
  • FBC + 5 part differential
  • Thyroid function Ft4, TSH
  • Ferritin
  • hsCRP
  • Vitd, Vit B12, Folate
  • FSH LH Osteradiol

This appointment is for women aged over 18 who want to have a comprehensive screening of their health.


Our Clinicians

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

The appointment lasts for two hours

Your gait is assessed using the gaitscan system. You can find out more information about it here

The orthotics we use are custom made to your individual needs. They are priced at £300 but if you purchase them on the day of your running assessment we will give you 10% of the purchase price.

No, this programme is designed to be purely focused on assessment, gait scanning and tailoring the correct exercise and running programme for you. If you need hands-on treatment then you can find details of our treatment and recovery programme here and our sports therapy appointments here. Or you can give us a call to discuss it 01635 791 301 and we can advise you on which appointment is the most suitable for you.