Gait Scan Orthotics

About our service at Total Health West Berkshire.

Do you have pain in your feet, ankles, knees or hips?

Are you suffering from foot pain such as plantar fasciitis, arthritic pain in your knees? Do you find that your feet, ankle, knees or hips are painful after standing, walking or taking part in sports? You may benefit from custom made orthotics.

How do custom made orthotics work?

Orthotics can help improve the biomechanics of your feet by supporting the arches and stabilising the bones of your feet, which brings the muscles, and bones back into alignment.

Off-the-shelf or custom made- is there a difference?

Off the shelf orthotics are mass produced, give general arch support and are good as an introduction. They are not bespoke insoles and will not be customised to your needs. Prescription orthotics are custom made to meet individual needs. They are made of more durable, better quality materials and have a longer life span.

Because they are custom made insoles people notice more of an improvement over the generic, off the shelf orthotics. If you have started out in off the shelf orthotics and have noticed some improvement. You may find upgrading to custom orthotic insoles will give further benefits.

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How much do gaitscan orthotics Cost?

The price for custom made orthotics ranges from £220 to £400. Ours are priced at £300. This includes your GaitScan appointment, TOG GaitScan fitting appointment and review appointment.

We also offer a free 20 minute orthotic chat. In this appointment we will examine your feet and answer any questions you may have about custom made orthotics.

If you would like to book this appointment you can fill out the form below or book online. If we think that you are likely to benefit from custom made orthotics we can then go on to book you a GaitScan appointment.

A GaitScan appointment lasts about an hour and includes a history of your problem, an examination of your feet, ankles, knees and hips, then we use Gaitscan to assess your foot mechanics.

Call us on 01635 791 301

Appointments Available

Gaitscan appointment – £75

1 hour appointment including;

– Gait scan
– Discussion of Gait Scan Findings
– Personalised orthotic recommendations

If you purchase orthotics they are charged at £300 but we will then waive your appointment fee of £75.

Gaitscan Chiropractic package – £385

1 hour appointment including;

– Examination
– Gait scan
– Review of Gait scan

One pair of custom made orthotics (worth £300)

Fitting Appointment

Review appointment

2 x follow up appointments

Gaitscan Sports Therapist Package – £385

1 hour appointment including;

– Examination
– Gait scan
– Review of Gait scan

One pair of custom made orthotics (worth £300)

Fitting Appointment

Review appointment

2 x follow up appointments


Appointments Available With: