Dan Elsigood

Sports Therapist

Dan Elsigood

Dan has been a Sports Therapist for over 11 years now. His journey started at The University of Chichester, with a 1st class honours degree in Sports Therapy back in 2012. He initially started working at a clinic in Swindon called Swindon Sports Therapy and has since become the clinic director there. Alongside this he has worked with Newbury Rugby Club, providing treatment and rehabilitation whilst also being on the sidelines during gameday.

Back when Dan was a teenager he suffered with recurrent shoulder dislocations, which ultimately led to surgery. It was this experience that introduced him to the profession and drove his studies into Sports Therapy.

Outside of work Dan has a growing young family and when he gets chance, stays active with regular gym training and playing badminton locally. Dan has either played or worked in most sports so he has a good understanding of the demands needed to perform at a high level.

In some ways the treatment approach he adopts is very simple, identify what’s not doing its job properly and put that right. Predominantly a hands-on approach to treatment, with a focus on the muscles and fascia. Combining this with the correct rehab exercises to drive long term change.

Dan focusses on providing relief for individuals experiencing pain, accurately diagnosing injuries, and offering comprehensive rehabilitation. Whether you’re an athlete seeking to optimise your movement or someone looking to address physical discomfort, he can help.

Dan provides cutting-edge sports therapy services tailored to meet your unique needs, including:
• Sports Massage
• Injury Rehabilitation
• Muscle Activation
• Myofascial Release
• Joint Mobilisation
• Postural Assessment
• Movement Analysis
• Kinesiology Taping

Dan is registered and insured with the Society of Sports Therapists.