Joli Beattie – She/Her

Podiatrist & HCPC Registered

Joli Beattie – She/Her

What is the difference between a Podiatrist, a Chiropodist and a Foot Health Professional, and who should I see?

There is no difference between a chiropodist and a podiatrist. The term chiropody has been traditionally used in the UK, but the term podiatry is recognised and used more internationally. Chiropodists in the UK are being referred to as podiatrists more and more and many people in the profession refer to themselves as both. Foot Health Professionals are not the same as Podiatrists

Here is why –
Podiatrists/Chiropodists are Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) and have trained for a minimum of 3 years at University. We have anatomy and physiology knowledge, pharmacology and nail surgery experience, and study intensively in all things lower limb.

We have the ability to diagnose and treat a wide variety of foot problems and we can specialise in Dermatology (skin), Musculoskeletal (bones and muscles), Biomechanical (movement), Vascular (blood flow) and Diabetes.

We must be registered with the Health And Care Professions Council (HCPC) to practise and follow their strict rules and high standards.

Foot Health Professionals (FHPs) have completed a 6 month online course and 2 week practical clinical training.They may not have any medical background, but will have knowledge of basic skin and nail problems. They may not have a medical background, but will have knowledge of basic skin and nail problems.

If you have underlying medical problems, unknown foot problems with the skin or nails, foot pain or an infection, you should see a Podiatrist/Chiropodist.

If you have no major medical conditions and just need basic skin and nail care regularly, a FHP may be the right person to see.

Clinic Fees

  • Initial appointment: £55
  • Follow up appointment: £45
  • Fungal Nail Assessment: £80
  • Verruca Assesment: £55