Shelley Treen – She/Her

Total Women’s Heath Physiotherapy

Shelley Treen – She/Her

Shelley graduated from University of Hertfordshire in 2002 with a BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy degree.

After undertaking her junior rotations at North Hampshire Hospital, Basingstoke, in 2005 she decided to specialise in musculoskeletal outpatients.

Shelley’s interest in Women’s health Physiotherapy began in 2011 during her first pregnancy. Wanting to maintain her own exercise and activity levels during pregnancy prompted her to learn more about the effects of ante-natal exercise. Attending the FitBack and Bumps Instructor training course and Diastasis Recti course allowed her to start putting antenatal and postnatal exercise into practice both personally and professionally.

Shelley has since widened her scope within the field of Women’s Health Physiotherapy, attending courses with the POGP (UK’s official special interest group for pelvic health) in female urinary dysfunction, advanced pelvic floor treatment for complex female pelvic pain and pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, and pregnancy related musculoskeletal disorders.

Shelley is acupuncture trained and has recently attended a course on acupuncture in pregnancy. She currently has a large Women’s health caseload within her NHS clinic and runs a Pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy class.

Working in Women’s Health has fast become the most rewarding part of her job, after realising the huge difference that can be made to a patients’ quality of life.

Running Total Women’s Health Physiotherapy has enabled her to focus on the elements of Physiotherapy she feels most passionate about.
As well as her extensive experience within the NHS, Shelley has also worked in hospitals in Auckland and Christchurch, New Zealand. She has worked as a Physiotherapist at a local rugby club and she has worked privately in a Physiotherapy clinic in Caversham.

Shelley is a member of the CSP (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy), HCPC (Health & Care Professions Council, membership no PH62552), the AACP (Acupuncture association of Chartered Physiotherapists), and an affiliate member of the POGP (Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy).

Outside of work, Shelley can be found spending time in the outdoors with her young family, in the gym, or planning her next holiday!

Clinic Fees

  • New Patient Consultation (1 hour) – £85
  • Follow Up Appointment (30 minutes) – £60
  • Extended Follow Up Appointment (45 minutes) – £70
  • Pre Natal Assessment (60 Minutes) – £95
  • Post-natal MOT – tummy and pelvic floor check (70 Minutes) – £95