Tanya Bray – She/Her


Tanya Bray – She/Her

Tanya graduated with an honours degree from the London School of
Osteopathy in 2004. For the past 16 years Tanya has divided her time
between working at Thatcham Osteopaths and her clinic in Basingstoke.

Tanya enjoys the challenge of working with a wide range of patients –
active, sedentary, young and old. With such diverse patients, Tanya
understands the need to tailor her approach to the individual and uses
both structural and cranial osteopathic techniques in her work.
Recognising that there are often factors in our daily lives which continue
to aggravate certain conditions, Tanya is able to help patients stay pain-
free by providing advice on rehabilitation exercises, posture and work or
home ergonomics.

Tanya is happy to answer any questions you may have relating to
osteopathy and may be reached by following the links below.

Please allow 1 hour for your initial consultation and treatment and 30
minutes for follow-up appointments.