Verruca Treatment

A Verruca (or plantar wart) is usually found on the bottom of the foot and is a small skin lesion usually around 1cm in diameter. Usually associated with children, verrucas are also a common complaint amongst adults.

What Causes Verrucas?

All verrucas are caused by the human papilloma virus which is common in all environments but does not readily attack the skin. Due to this though verrucae are commonly contracted in communal places such as swimming pools, showers and changing areas, this is why children are more at risk of contracting verrucae in school changing rooms and swimming pools.

If there is excessive moisture or excessive dryness of the skin this can lead to small cracks in the skin which allows the virus to enter.

About Swift Verruca Treatment At Total Health West Berkshire

Swift verruca treatment is a new technology, developed in the UK, which has been licensed for the general treatment of skin lesions in Podiatry and Dermatology. Swift uses microwave energy which is delivered through a special probe applied to the skin to treat the affected tissue.

How Microwaves Work

Swift Verruca figure 1 skin lesion

Infected tissue can exist several millimetres below the surface and can often be difficult to treat using traditional methods, resulting in either untreated tissue or significant damage.

Swift Verruca treatment image

Swift delivers a precise, highly controlled energy dose. As microwaves travel into the tissue, water molecules begin colliding and create localised heat energy.

Swift Verruca Result healthy skin

In just seconds the treatment is complete and the healing cascade begins immediately. Treated tissue is quickly replaced, repaired and regenerated.

Swift Verruca Treatment Results




Salicylic Acid

Faulkner’s Needle

Swift Needle

Sessions Needed

3-10 Sessions

5- 12 Sessions

10-12 Sessions

3 Sessions

Up to 3 Sessions

Requires Dressing






Rate of Success





76% -83% *

* 76% success rate based on 3 treatments and 83% based on  4 treatments.


Swift Verruca Treatment Packages

This is dependent on how you respond to treatment, but generally most people require 2-3 treatments to resolve their verruca.

Swift Package


3 swift treatments over 3 months   and review after 4 months

Swift Pay As You Go


Please note 3 treatments are recommended

Our Clinicians

Dr James Cave

Dr James Cave (He/Him)


James is a senior general practitioner with over 30 years experience. He has a wealth of experience in all aspects of medicine including Cardiovascular disease (particularly the management of cholesterol and blood pressure), Respiratory diseases, Endocrine, ENT, Musculoskeletal and Rheumatology.

His work as Editor-in-Chief of the medical journal Drug & Therapeutics Bulletin means he has significant expertise in understanding the pros and cons of drugs and enjoys working with patients to understand what might be best for them rather than satisfying a target set elsewhere.

James has a particular interest in the care of the elderly and does offer a visiting service. He believes passionately in personal care and understands how difficult it has become for people to see their GP. Whether you have a new problem, or would like time to really talk through an ongoing issue, or just get a second opinion James will be delighted to help.

In addition to general consultations he offers soft-tissue and joint injections for such problems as frozen shoulders, arthritis, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, Morton’s neuroma and trigger finger.

James was honoured with an OBE for services to medicine in 2009.

Joli Beattie (She/Her)

Joli Beattie (She/Her)

HCPC Registered Podiatrist



 I am an HCPC registered  Podiatrist and a member of the Royal College of Podiatry .My aim is to keep people on their feet, whether that is walking their dog or running a marathon.

 My husband and I, along with our two  daughters moved to a village outside Newbury 10 years ago and love the community we live in. We are lucky to live on the Ridgeway where we regularly take long walks.

 In June 2020 I graduated from The University of Southampton after returning to education as a mature student. I  continued my studies with a Masters in Diabetes Best Practice which I completed in  November 2021. In my spare time, I like to indulge in murder mystery books and have been growing my own fruit and vegetables for the last 5 years. I love travelling with my family to historical locations around the UK and abroad.

Clinic Fees:

Initial appointment: £55

Follow up appointment: £45

Fungal Nail Assessment: £80

Verruca Assesment: £55

Frequently Asked Questions About Verruca Treatment

Does it hurt?

Like many treatments for skin lesions, some minor discomfort may be experienced. It is not uncommon for patients to feel a sharp sensation, similar to an injection. Unlike most treatments for verruca, pain felt during the treatment quickly subsides, and only in rare cases is there any prolonged pain.

What can I do after treatment?

In some cases the treated area may feel sore but will not prevent you undertaking normal daily activities.

How many treatments will I need?

This is dependant on how you respond to treatment. In some cases, you may need more than one treatment (these can be from 14 days to over a month apart depending on the response). Our Clinician will be able to discuss this with you.

Can anyone receive this treatment?

With a few exceptions, most people with skin lesions would be able to have this treatment. Our Clinician will carry out an assessment prior to treatment and be able to advise you on this.

How Successful is it?

Swift® targets the cells which cause your verruca. Your body will then create an immune response and because of this swift treatments have the highest success rate of all treatments (acids, cryotherapy and needling).